Special maintenance was carried out on the Litchfield/Redfield/Jindabyne section in July 2009. This included putting dri-bond in three concrete pits and replacing galvanized pipe with poly. A number of air valves and scour valves were capped as recorded in the bore diary. The 'Box Yards' B03 line was also completed. Special maintenance is now complete to all board lines west of the Westmar/Bungunya road.
The gal risers at the Boogara stock water tanks were not replaced because the Council has complicated plumbing fittings attached.
A leak (50mm pipe) was repaired on the Litchfield/Redfield boundary on 10th August.
On 26th August 2009, a new meter was fitted to the main bore and the cooling tank was cleaned and sprayed. A leak was repaired on 'Jim Bruce' (the EA I line) and a leaking scour valve was capped on 'Kyawanna Farm'.
On 26th November 2009, the four distribution meters were replaced. In December, the Apex float valve and a roof ventilator were replaced at the 'Kalala' booster station.
In January 2010, Jim Spink repaired the vari-speed drive at 'Kalala'.
In March 2010, Will Maunder damaged the 'Kalala main' on 'Jim Bruce' (90mm line). This was repaired five days later when a mini excavator could be accessed for the very wet conditions. Mr. Maunder has paid for the repairs.
The Government is slowly proceeding with the transfer of Water Boards in Queensland. The Secretary will report on the latest developments which are likely to result in the Kaywanna Bore Board becoming an incorporated association.
The main bore has pumped 59,429 kilolitres in the eight months from August until April. Readings indicate the demand has been between 2.5 and 3.9litres/hectare/day with an average demand of 3.4 LIHID for the period.
The financial position of this board remains very sound. I extend my thanks to board members.
Geoff Woods
Kaywanna Bore Water Board
C/- Findex 24 Mclean Street GOONDIWINDI 4390
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